Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Getting your picture in the paper is easy in a small town

. . . especially when you're involved with a group like the master gardeners. My picture has been in the paper four or five times in the last year or so but this one is a little special. One of the master gardener projects last year was the building of a greenhouse for the Wood County Special Education School and I spent a lot of hours working on it. The Quitman Pilot Club presented the Humanitarian of the Year Award to the Wood County Master Gardeners for the project at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet and awards presentation to outstanding citizens. Bart Bartlett and I accepted the award for the group.


Deanna Swope said...

Very Cool! Grandma Willis would have been so proud to see you in the Quitman Paper; I can hear her bragging on you right now!

Bambi said...

Deanna is so right. She probably would be mailing copies out to her friends and family!