Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Duck's ID'd!

I know you're all concerned about the ID of the duck on yesterday's post. They were "Black-bellied Whistling Ducks"!
I've got two birds of Texas books and they're not in either one so we tried the Birds of North America and found him there. They're not suppose to be here! I checked a couple internet sites and they've been moving there habitat northward the last few years and we're just on the edge of it. Kinda' neat to have a somewhat rare bird for the area stop by and visit us.


Bambi said...

Wow, how neat to have seen this duck. I'll have to be sure and ask James if he knows what kind of duck this is before he reads the ID! You know, big duck hunter that he is!

Anonymous said...

I showed this to Mike Kirby today and he said, "One of those whistling ducks?? They're all over the place." So much for five year old books and the internet!

Bambi said...

James has seen them too. Said they're slow fliers, easy shots, not good table fare.