Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Bit of Family Nostalgia

This is about Aunt Maude's house. (Aunt Maude was my mother's father's half-sister. They had the same mother - Ida Deidamia Havens Littleford Kimberlin.) Aunt Maude lived in Dallas at 3221 Wendelkin Street. She taught music at the school right across the street from her home. Two of the fun things about visiting Aunt Maude were the presence of the big playground right across the street and the interesting house that she lived in. It was a big old house with lots of interesting features and rooms. This morning Glynda and I ate breakfast in our little nook and we observed that the nook would be just the right size to hold a twin bed and that reminded me of the room in Aunt Maude's house in the picture above. This room was on the second floor and was attached to the main bedroom. This was a sleeping room and it was filled up by the bed that was in it. This was before air conditioning and the only relief from summer heat was electric fans. This room is where she slept on those hot summer nights, open to the outside air on three sides.

You can see the location of the room in this picture of the whole house. (There are four people on the porch in this picture, one standing and three in a porch swing but the picture's not good enough for me to identify all of them but the one in the middle on the swing is Aunt Maude.) BTW - this picture and the one below are on post cards - something you could have done at the time - maybe an early version of Snap Fish.

And, while were talking about Aunt Maude's house, I'll add this picture. The library table pictured here was in her house. It's now the desk in my study and it's where I'm sitting now as I post this. Supposedly, the desk was made by my great grandfather Charles Lorenozo Flanders. I don't know how true that is. It would seem a bit strange for something he made to be in her house but that's family tradition so I'll accept that. The desk is one of three or four pieces all made at the same time in the same style.
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1 comment:

Bambi said...

Looks like a fun house to visit as a kid!