Monday, December 29, 2008

There is Always Always Always Something to be Thankful For

So says the wall hanging in Beverly & Alex's dining room and, of course, it is true. Here, in no particular order, are some of the 2008 things I'm thankful for:
  1. Retirement
  2. The timely selling of the condo
  3. Our unmortgaged house and it's character
  4. 401k out of the market
  5. My camera, PC, & Picasa
  6. Time
  7. Birds in our backyard
  8. The yard & garden to work in
  9. The tools it takes to do so
  10. The trails to walk down
  11. Netflix
  12. Our big screen TV
  13. Quitman library
  15. The internet and the answer to everything I want to know
  16. The maturing of East Texas (restaurants, coffee shops, etc.)
  17. Xander & Blake
  18. Justin's graduation from the fire academy, his election to Captain of the class, and his new job
  19. Magen's graduation with honors from NTCC and her passing of the state certification exam
  20. Aaron's graduation from International College of Bible Theology (2 years of study) and his pending homecoming
  21. Judge Jill
  22. The Patriot Guard Riders
  23. The USMC Honor Guard
  24. In East Texas you have to mention electricity which you learn to appreciate when you don't have it.
  25. And family!

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