Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Popcorn Morning

Actually, they look more like little marshmallows. On the way to the mail box this morning we saw these little white fellows scattered all along the driveway. They're some type of a little fungus. They're attached to the ground but not on a stem like their cousin mushroom/toadstools. It looks weird but makes an interesting picture! (I set them on the leaf for contrast, set it all on a glass table, and then took a flash shot. - Then I dusted the table and did it over again.)

I'm feeling lucky to have the picture. Yesterday, the camera was on my desk after uploading some pictures. It was really sitting on some papers. Pancho tried to jump up on the desk, caught the papers, and pulled the camera off onto the floor. When I picked it up, it didn't work. After a few frantic moments I realized that I just needed to reset the lens to get it working again. A slight twist and all was OK!

1 comment:

Bambi said...

Those are very strange! I've never seen them. I'm so glad your camera is still working!!