One of the tasks I've taken on at the Wildscape at the Nature Preserve is keeping weeds off the (crushed granite) walkways. The other day when I was there I noticed a bunch of bluebonnets coming up in the walkways from seed that was dropped as we were cleaning the old plants out a few months ago. So I went out today and harvested some of those and transplanted them to the meadow. At the same time I picked some seed heads from four other types of plants and at this stage I don't even know what some of them are as nothing is left except the seeds. I'll plant this mix tomorrow. (There were lots of butterflys at the Wildscape today!)
I started to buy some Indian Paintbrush seeds from the Wildflower Center in Austin last week but did not because they were charging almost $12 to ship a $5 pack of seeds - about $18. I did a little more internet shopping and found another Austin company where I was able to get two $5 pack of seeds shipped to me at the same total cost - $18. When I received the seeds I discovered that they were actually from a grower in OK. I found their website and the exact same seesd were $2. I bought four packages and, with shipping and no tax, paid $12. If the Wildflower Center had not been so totally ridiculous on their shipping charge I would have never found the better place. And it really disappoints me that this greed is interferring with the mission of the center. Sorry Lady Bird!!
Glynda and I also spent a little time in the Treehouse this afternoon enjoying the weather, a glass of wine, and some Neil Young.