Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall is the time to plant wildflowers

The top of the hill on the Orange Trail near the bench is a natural wildflower area. There's most always something blooming there. I'm trying to supplement that with plantings from other parts of the property and adding a few others. It looks like I've got a good start on bluebonnets from seeds I was given at the Wildscape. I'm also buying some Indian Paintbrush and Blanketflower seeds. I'll plant a few Coneflowers from seeds I've gathered from flowers we grew this year and have also transplanted a few Lantanas. All of these are Texas plants that are native to East Texas. The planning and planting of these is a mini-project in the middle of the other things we have going now.

1 comment:

Bambi said...

That will be beautiful in the spring!