Friday, December 17, 2010

A new entry on the Wildernest Property Bird List

It's been awhile since we got to make a new entry on the Wildernest Property Bird List. There are 53 species on the list now and it's very infrequent that we see a bird that we haven't seen before. There have been some ducks on the pond recently but they always see us before we see them and they are gone in a flash. The times I do try to sneak up on them - either I fail or there's been nothing there. This morning I was finally successful and for a minute or two got to observe a small flock of about a dozen birds. At first I thought the males were Mallards (didn't have my glasses on) but then saw the distinctive way the head feathers sweep to the rear - Wood Ducks! Pretty exciting! Then Shadow came bounding up and they all flew away. I wish that was my picture above but it came from the internet. (Yesterday we saw the first Cedar Waxwings and Goldfinch of the season on the birdbath along with 6-8 beautiful Bluebirds - a pretty sight!)

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