Saturday, February 5, 2011

Yesterday was a good day for bird pictures

Several male House Finches on one of the feeders.
The stick hanging out is for picture taking. In many of the shots
below, the bird is perched on this stick.
A couple female House Finches

A male House Finch - I like his quizzical look!
A female House Finch in a nice pose

I saw this one down by the Treehouse.  It's a new one for us and I believe
it's an Eastern Towee.  There are now 54 species on our property bird list.

Not sure what it is but I like the picture - taken by the Orange Trail East Bridge

Cardinals and Finches at one of the feeders

I just keep photographing Cardinals!

For some reason it's been hard to get a good picture of an American Goldfinch - but got a couple yesterday!

And got a better picture of the Brown-headed Cowbird.

1 comment:

Deanna Swope said...

These are beautiful G-Pa, Well done!