Saturday, April 16, 2011

Winnsboro Farmers Market

Actually more than "farmers" here but everything must be locally grown or made.

Hanging baskets of flowers

Homemade jams and jellies - and (like we've done before) if the jelly doesn't set - call it syrup.
My favorite picture of the bunch - the booth next to mine today.
brown and white and brown and white and . . .
There are about sixteen people in this picture and I know half of them from other places.

And this is my set-up from last week - I've sold a total of five now and my marketing demographics tell me that I need to produce more of the sellers.  I'm left with mostly cedar now and haven't sold one of them yet!
The market is every Saturday from 8:00 until 12:00, April through October.  This morning it was just too darn cold, too windy, not enough customers braving the weather (in spite of a gun show next door) and I had a bad headache - so I came home about 10:00.  No sales today and something else on the agenda next Saturday - Springfest!!!

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