Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oleander (ˈō-lē-ˌan-dər)

Isn't that a great word! It's fun to say it and it just oozes with southern charm! You can almost see the oleander plant by the front porch. And, for those my age, the old Tompall Glaser song always comes to mind - "Oleander, wait a little longer. . ." and the words get mixed up in your mind with "It's an Old New Orleans Custom" because they fit together so well.

The picture is our oleander bush by the back deck. It's been there for years and this year, it decided to bloom for the first time. They come in different colors on the pink, red, purple side of the wheel but we were happy to see that ours is white. (Sometimes it seems that I can just flash my Master Gardener card and plants that haven't done well in the past just tremble with fear and then bloom.)

1 comment:

Bambi said...

Sounds like one powerful card you have there. Want to come flash it at my sycamore? I agree that oleander is fun to say. It always makes me think of Ida Narcissus!