Monday, June 7, 2010

Japanese Painted Fern

I came to appreciate the Japanese Painted Fern several years ago on a visit to Clark Gardens near Mineral Wells. I learned about the Oak Leaf Hydranga at the same time and have a couple of those near the pond. They both provide color in a shade environment. The Oak Leaf Hydranga actually has nice, long life blossoms but the Japanese Painted Fern adds color with it's silver and purple foliage. We have several of those in the "Springy Chair Garden" and they come back nicely ever year. This year is about their 4th year and their 3rd year with regular watering and care and they are healthy, growing well, and even seem to have stronger colors. Being in an area with other very green ferns they take on a starring role and we've added a few Coral Bells to pick-up of the purple. (We also transplanted a couple Netted Chain Ferns to this area. They grow wild on the property and there is a big area filled with them down near the East Bridge.) But the post is about the Japanese Painted Fern and if I'm going to be a Master Gardener and talk about plants like these I need to learn to use adjectives like "lovely"!

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