Monday, April 11, 2011

Darn near done!

Looking better all the time!!  I was hoping to post video of Alex riding the new zip line but for technical reasons beyond my control those are not available.  In the first test Daniel came very close to landing in the pond - missed it by just 2-3 feet.  So we tightened it up a bit and now Daniel clears the pond fine but Alex is the one that comes close now - and no more tightening available (without major efforts).  So excuse us if we get all excited if you tell us that you weigh over 220 and you want to ride this thing.  We just know something that you don't!

On a more serious note - when we walked to trail early this morning after the heavy rains last night the water in the pond was beautiful - not a word that you can normally come even close to using when talking about the pond,  Then we climbed up to the tower and was admiring it from there when a couple of wood ducks landed there and started to swim around.  Really nice!

Here's one from the top. You can see the cable running from the upper left.  It goes just to the right side of the pier.

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