Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More from the bunny -

Beverly said I should try this. Thanks goodness for the tape that's holding me on!

This game ended with an 11th inning walk-off homer by Moreland!  

No new emails in the last fifteen minutes:(

A little reading before turning off the lights for the night.

Some morning bird watching. We call the one on the feeder "BJ"!

Whee! - Whee!, Whee! Whee!
(If you haven't seen the Geico commercial - just go on to the next one.)

Death - taxes - and mowing!

Time for a rest in the shade.
Vicki saw the first bunny post this weekend and then I got an email from Beverly who'd just seen it too.  Both got some laughs out of it and Beverly asked for more.  So it's her fault.  A couple of these were her suggestions!

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