Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So it's like this . . .

"Blues Monday" at ZAZUZ Pizza in Winnsboro.

A few weeks ago Gus (the guy in the blue shirt) suggested to Alex that, when it gets a little cooler, they get together at the Treehouse for a jam session.  Gus is sorta the go to guy around Winnsboro when it comes to things musical and he's the one that runs Crossroads Music Company.  It then turned into plans for a little gathering and we scheduled it for the first part of October.  Now there's been time for talk to get around and we're now planning for a generator for the music systems, several professional musicians in additions to guys like the group in the picture playing at ZAZUZ, how to get the equipment in, parking for fifty cars or so, food, and a bunch of other stuff - even porta-pottys. Looks like good times are coming!

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