Saturday, April 18, 2009

Soft Light of a Rainy Day

The rain's been coming down slow and steady all morning long and we're enjoying the day in our upstairs rooms. I just looked out the window at the pond garden and I think it's finally beginning to come together. Sometimes plant combinations work and sometimes they don't. The "Springy Chair Garden" came together a couple years ago and I've been tweaking it since. The little bed at the base of the outside light is looking good this year and finally, the pond garden is getting there too. Just behind the fairy we added a container plant this year and two Autumn Ferns on either side. Just to the right of those are two Oakleaf Hydrangas. We've had Canas before but they were too big for where they were. Now I've moved those back out of the area so they work more as a foil for the other plants. They are behind the plants I've mentioned but they're not really big enough to be playing a role yet. Give them a month or so. The Louisiana Iris is blooming now as well as the lily's in the pond and the purple Ajugas in front of the fairy. I also moved a Japanese Maple to the right of the pond in this picture and it's beginning to add a touch of red. The last thing added this year were three Denisforum (sp?) Yews. They are in the mix in the right foreground. There's also a big Elephant Ear bulb in the ground but it hasn't appeared yet and it may have been a victim of the drain line we ran through the area. (It's a perforated line that adds some additional water to the area and I need to add some mulch to cover it again.)

1 comment:

Bambi said...

Looks so pretty and peaceful!