Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is another 2-Post Day - but I'll put it in one

This morning while Glynda was at Bible study I spent a hour or so at the Tree House reading. It was the first time I've spent some relaxing time there alone. It was a great morning weather-wise with a temp in the lower 70's. We had about an inch of rain last night so the creek was up and the sound of the flowing water was added to the all of the other nature sounds and it was a really enjoyable and relaxing time.

The second post would have been titled "Aren't They CUUUUUUTE!!!!"

The two outside cats that have decided to call our place home have little ones! They came out from under the house today. We had suspected kittens but had seen no evidence. Now we have. Glynda, of course, fed them right away - and I'm sure the mother will appreciate that. She's been looking a bit under nourished. (Aren't they cuuuute!) But how are we going to solve the problem of having five outside cats? FREE KITTENS if anyone wants one. We've already petted them so they're sorta trained.

1 comment:

Bambi said...

They are cute! ALMOST makes me want one!