Sunday, July 5, 2009

Some travel stories

Deanna didn't know that I'd traveled Europe and expressed an interest so I though I post a couple things about trips there. The owner of the company I worked for wanted to get his money's worth for the plane fare so my trips were always three week trips and they happened every six weeks so while I worked the job I spent a third of my time away from home. They'd usually start in London but sometimes Munich or Paris.

When I traveled in Europe I'd always get a three week train pass. They were a little different then. As long as the pass was valid you could get on a train (first class compartment) and go anywhere on the continent the trains went - which is everywhere. England was not on the plan - they had their own pass. I enjoy traveling by train and if you're going 200-250 miles or less it can be faster than flying - from city center to city center - and you avoid airports and their related issues. I also had a couple weekends free on each trip so I could make some side trips and do some sightseeing too.

Glynda went with me on one trip and this happened to be a trip where a stop in Stockholm was planned after a stop in Amsterdam. We were traveling by train and I knew that there was water between the countries and that part of the trip would be by ferry. What we learned about ferries is that it's not just a little boat ride. As we were approaching the crossing I was watching to see how this was going to work and it turned out to be pretty simple. We just sat there while the train drove onto the ferry - the whole train - full length - and we rode in the train, on the ferry from Denmark to Sweden.

Here's a link to a site that has a couple more pictures of the ferry.

1 comment:

Deanna Swope said...

Absolutely AMAZING! I have always wanted to go to that part of the country...Maybe someday.