Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday's Picture

We had storms last night that left us without electricity. Long story shorter we got up early and went into town for breakfast and got back home shortly after seven. The 70 degree weather felt great and we took the opportunity to walk down to sit in the Treehouse for a bit and I took this picture. I did a little work on it to get the feeling I was after - shading it, adding a grain to it, and removing some of the color. The original is down below.


Deanna Swope said...

I LOVE IT! you did such an awesome job. You are very talented with the camera Grandpa and what a great eye you have. I really enjoy these types of pictures that you do!

Jim said...

Thanks Deanna! I'm happy that you enjoy them and appreciate the comment very much.

Mary C said...

So You don't know me but I just stumbled across your blog the other day and I just wanted to let you know that I love your photographs. Also, I wanted to tell you that I love your "one picture a day" idea. I think it's an amazing and inspiring idea. :)