Friday, May 16, 2008

Another Bird Thing - This Time: Cardinals

Male cardinals are rude little guys - always running the other birds away from the feeder - especially other male cardinals and even the female cardinals. So this morning when we noticed a male and female sitting together on one of the plant hangers on the deck gazebo we took notice. Then they pecked each other's beak and Glynda thought that was "sweet". Then the male flew away and we thought that was over with. But - he flew down to the feeder, got a sunflower seed, flew back to the perch, and fed it to his lady friend. That was sweet! (They're not that bad Jules.)


Julie Hayes said...

If my irrational fear is correct, then those cardinals are just buttering you up until they can get close enough to peck your eyes out. Don't fall for it Grandpa!

Bambi said...

They certainly are beautiful birds though. I love spotting cardinals and I'm pretty sure you don't need to worry about your eyes;)