Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've seen evidence before . . .

Add Image. . . trees down with the telltale stump. etc, but have never seen a live beaver in our pond. The water is high right now after the rains of the last few days and it's within 5-6 inches from the top of the pier. On a walk this morning I stepped onto the pier, heard a splash below me, and waves started radiating out. Then a little trail of bubbles. After a few minutes of watching and waiting I'd about given up on discovering what it was when I heard a snorting sound across the pond. The beaver was swimming back and forth and blowing bubbles as it swam - back and forth and getting closer to me all the time. I didn't have the camera (that's the second time I've had to say that recently) so I went back to the house to get it, went back to the pond, stomped onto the pier trying to recreate the whole scenario again. It worked! Got a couple dozen shots.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Caro's comment that came in an email from Greg:

It’s amazing that a beaver is living there b/c someone poured oil in the pond; it’s just so surprising!