Saturday, March 14, 2009

CPDOT Meeting Minutes

The Committee for the Preservation and Development of the Orange Trail met today.

Members present: Jim Willis, Glynda Willis, Alex Reyes, Beverly Reyes, Daniel Reyes, Aaron Booth.

Members absent: None

The meeting was called to order at 1:10 PM over pizza furnished by Glynda.

The first order of business was discussion of the Pond Project. Jim, Alex and Beverly had just completed a visit to the site and construction plans and schedule were finalized. Jim and Aaron will move materials to the site on Monday. Alex, Daniel & Aaron will start construction Tuesday morning and will be joined by Jim after his other meeting. It's hoped that construction will be completed Tuesday.

Discussion then moved to the Tree Project. Feasibility and preliminary plans were debated. The group is arriving at a consensus on size and has agreed that the project should maintain a natural appearance.

Daniel then brought up the Bridge Project. After discusison it was agreed that Daniel would head up this project and would ask for help as/when it was needed.

Reference was then made to a couple of other projects being considered.

It was later discovered that the adjournment of the meeting must have take place just before the table talk drifted to other things.

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